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How to write SEO friendly blog

This way, your content is tailored to meet their unique needs, making your blog an indispensable tool for them. So, before you start writing, take the
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 How to write SEO friendly blog:

1 :"Introduction to SEO friendly blogging"

.If you're low on cash, consider investing time in SEO writing instead of spending money. It's free and can attract traffic for a longer time than a campaign.  The clickthrough rate for websites in the top position on the search results page is 25%, as found in a 2020 study by Search Engine Journal. 

.This rate decreases to 15% for websites in second place, and falls to 2.5% for websites in tenth place. SEO writers have to constantly update their blog posts due to algorithm changes and competition for keywords.  It's really important to have a strategy for updating your content. 

.This will make sure that your older web stuff stays fresh and relevant in search engine rankings.  This thing is called historical optimization. To  find out which blog posts you need to update, check your old stuff by doing a content audit to find posts that aren't doing well or are outdated. Then, figure out how to make them better.

2: "Keyword research and selection"

.In 2020, a study by Search Engine Journal found that the top website on the search results page gets 25% of the clicks. But the second website only gets 15%, and the tenth website only gets 2.5%.

.Don't worry if you can't afford it - try SEO writing instead! It's free and can bring you traffic for a longer period.  The main point of the blog post is the primary keywords. These are the main words you need to pay attention to when creating your content. Secondary keywords are like the primary ones but not as important. 

"The role of backlinks in SEO"

.Start with keyword research.
.Use headings to your benefit.
.Optimize your content for featured snippets.
.Write for humans, not search engines.
.Optimize your title.
.Include keywords in your meta description. 
Add alt text to images.

.Resist the urge to keyword stuff. Link to high-authority websites. Aim for scannable, longer posts. Link to other posts on your site. Compress images for fast page load speed. Design a link-building strategy.

3: "Avoiding black hat SEO techniques"

.When you create a blog post, primary keywords are the main themes you want to highlight. They are the most crucial words you use to enhance your writing.  Secondary keywords are similar words that have the same meaning as the main keyword. 
.They help make your post more captivating,   but you don't have to write an made new post about them. Related keywords are other words and phrases that is  related to the main idea. They can also include secondary keywords. 

Related: The related option provides you with keywords that are similar to your seed keyword, but they do not include the exact term or phrase. This list is perfect for finding additional topics to write about and explore, while considering the search volume.

Phrase Match:   This will help to ensure that the results closely match your topic.

.This way, your content is tailored to meet their unique needs, making your blog an indispensable tool for them. So, before you start writing, take the time to analyze by asking yourself questions.

.Maximize your SEO by optimizing your post. Make sure your post is perfectly optimized for the correct keyword and its different variations.
If the current post is still up-to-date, improve its optimization to make it even better. However, if it's outdated and needs more than just a few adjustments, 

.Before you hit publish, make sure to review and revise your post. This will help you catch any errors and make any necessary changes.
 #seoblogwritingexamples #bloggers #freeblogsites #seocontentwritingtopics

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