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How to create blog banner

Creating a blog banner can be done using graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop, Canva, or even online platforms like PicMonkey or Fotor. Here's
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How to create blog banner:

1: I know not everyone is a design expert, but that's okay! I'm here to cheer you on. Even if you're not a pro designer, you can still create an awesome blog header!

2: To begin, you'll need a tool to make your header. If you have Photoshop, that's awesome! But if you don't, no problem. You can try out other options like Gimp (like a free Photoshop) or Canva.

>Example :

1: Let's add some color! Once you've chosen your fonts, you can play around with adding a little color. 

2: Just make sure the colors you pick go well together and that the text stands out from the background. For example, avoid making the title too light against a white background. It should really stand out. 

3: Also, don't go overboard with neon green for the tagline. Instead, try toning down the hues a bit. Doesn't that look much better and easier on the eyes? I'll switch to simpler fonts. The old one was too busy for my taste and didn't fit my blog's vibe.

4:  Remember to consider the overall feel of your blog too. Now, let's take it up a notch by adding some graphics. You can find clipart on sites like Etsy or Creative Market, or search online for some small graphics. Just make sure you have the rights to use them, and don't just grab things from Google Image Search. Remember, graphics shouldn't overpower the text. 

5: The header is like your own logo, so it's important for people to recognize the name of your blog.

1>Set dimensions:

1: After you pick which editor you want to use, it's time to decide how big your header should be. You'll want it to be as wide as your blog. header area width in pixels. When you start a New Image or project in one of these programs (File > New), it will ask you for dimensions. 

2: Set the dimensions to pixels and enter the width of your blog, then the height you want for your banner. There's no specific rule for the height, but I'd suggest keeping it under 350px for looks. 

3: If there's a Resolution or DPI setting, make sure it's set to 72. Anything for the web should always have a resolution of 72 DPI. And remember to make the background white for simplicity.

>Here are some examples of simple headers:

1: The first heading is super simple. It has the same font all the way through, and the tagline lines up perfectly with the end of the "T" in the line above it. The spacing on the top and bottom is the same, as well as on the left and right sides.

2: The second heading is even better than the first. It's amazing how much better it looks when the tagline lines up perfectly with the word above it. When things are lined up, the design looks much more put together. I added a 1px line next to the tagline to connect everything a bit more.

3: The heading above uses different fonts. I used a fancy font for the blog title, so the tagline below it is simpler. I think these two fonts work well together because they are both serif fonts and a bit tall.

4: Make sure to choose fonts that go well together if you're using more than one. If you want to try it, the title font is called Rosewood.

2>Designing blog header:

1: If you're not good at drawing, here's a tip I learned in 3rd grade: Keep It Simple, Stupid! You don't need fancy graphics and lots of stuff in your header to make it look nice. It can be simple and stylish without any graphics at all. 

2: Fonts are important too. Use only two fonts and make sure they are easy to read. If you use a fancy font for one thing, use a simple font for the other. Make sure everything lines up and leave the same amount of space around the edges. 

3: The first header example is super simple. It uses the same font for everything and the tagline lines up with the end of the line above it. The top and bottom have the same amount of space, like the left and right sides. If you were making a logo for yourself, you wouldn't put a bunch of random photos of yourself and your adventures. 

4: Right? So in your header, you don't need to show everything all at once. Save that for your blog posts! If you want to include photos in your header, make sure they don't take from the title. Arrange them to look good.

3>Saving header:

1: Once you're finished, make sure to save the image as a PNG if you want a see-through background. If not, save it as a JPG.

2: Both JPG and PNG are good for web pictures. I hope that tip was useful! Remember to trust your eyes and check that everything spaced. It's amazing how aligning things and picking the right fonts can make a big difference in a header!

>Here are some examples of what not to do:

1: Nope, absotely not. When you combine two fancy fonts that clash, it ends up looking like a mess. The tagline becomes read.  

2: Maybe it would work better if the tagline was smaller, not in all caps, and in a simple sans serif font. With so many fonts available, you can easily find one that suits your style. 3: You can even preview how your blog name would look by typing it into the text box on websites like DaFont.

Tags: #bloggerbanner # best banner #createbanner # makeblogebanner #banners

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