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How to find trending topics of blog

Identify Your Audience: Understand who your target audience is. Are they beginners, experienced traders, or professionals? Tailor your topics to their
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How to find trand topics of blog:

1: Are you having a hard time coming up with ideas for your blog? Do you feel like you've written about everything already? Don't worry, you're not alone!

2: Even the best bloggers struggle to find popular topics sometimes. I know how you feel because I felt the same way before I wrote my last post. It was all about "11 Common SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them."

3: But guess what? I found a way to overcome this problem. I have some secret tools that help me beat writer's block. In today's post, I'll share with you 9 effective methods that I use to find popular topics for my blog.So, let's not waste any more time and get started right away!


1: Quora is the best place for me to look for new ideas for my blog. Curious how Quora can help you Let's say you have a blog about relationships. You're on the hunt for some fresh topics to write about.

2: Search for 'relationship' on Quora. His answer has 74.5k views and 1,131 Upvotes. , people enjoyed what he had to say.Congratulations, you've found your next blog post topic. Get writing!

3: What I love about Quora is the variety of perspectives you can find. It's a goldmine for content ideas. By reading the top answers, you'll have lots of material for your blog post.

4: Read all the answers. Then, you could make a full guide. Use Quora to find what's hot in your niche.


1: Have you ever heard of the phrase "Reddit hug of death"? It's a term that people on Reddit use when a website on Reddit gets too much traffic and crashes. Reddit can be a great source of ideas for your next blog posts.

2: Let me explain. Let's say your blog is about entertainment and you're looking for a new topic. You can search for the entertainment subreddit. It currently has 239,414 members.

3: This subreddit has a large community. It is sure to have some interesting and fun topics for you to write about. Click on the subreddit and you'll see the trending topics. For example, people arested in Patton Oswalt's engagement to Actress Meredith Salenger.

4: For example, Patton Oswalt interests people. They were in his engagement to Actress Meredith Salenger. If you write about Hollywood news on your blog, this could be a great idea for your next post. To make the most of Reddit, it's important to find subreddits relevant to your niche. The more relevant the subreddit, the better it will be for you.

3>Google trand:

1: One way to come up with ideas for your blog posts is by using Google trends. Let's say you have a blog about healthy eating. You can search for keywords like 'healthy diet' to see what topics are popular. 

2: You can even customize your search by location, period, category, and search type. Google Trends indicates the level of interest in a topic. It also gives info on related topics and queries. So, give it a try and see what you can find for your next blog post!


1: Facebook is the most popular social media platform. It has almost 1.94 billion users each month in 2017. This means that whatever is popular on Facebook can also be good for your blog.

2: Facebook is the king of social media with about 1.94 billion active users each month in 2017. This means that what's popular on Facebook can also be great for your blog.


1: Like Facebook, Twitter also has a section. It shows you what's currently trending. But, the way trending topics work on Twitter is quite unique. Twitter trends are unlike Facebook. They nfluenced by your location and the accounts you follow.

2: If you want to find trending blog topics with Twitter, follow relevant people and brands. Otherwise, you won't be able to leverage the true potential of Twitter trends.

6>Keyword research:

1: Google Keyword Planner is a great tool for finding popular topics for your blog posts. It's super easy to use! First, make a Google AdWords account. 

2: You can also sign in with your Gmail account. Once you're logged in, go to the Tools section and click on the keyword planner. A window will
pop up on your screen. Now you can search for Living Tips, Lifestyle Tips, Eating Tips, and more.

3: I love Google AdWords Planner. It shows the monthly search volume for each keyword. If you want to target a specific audience, use search filters like All Locations and English. When you see the results, click on Ad groups ideas for more info.

7>Yahoo answer:

1: Yahoo Answers is an awesome place to overcome writer's block. It's like the main page of the Yahoo Answers community. On the left side of the page, you'll find different categories to choose from. These categories help you find the specific area you're interested in.

2: It's super easy to find popular topics on Yahoo Answers. All you have to do is select the category you're active in and choose a question that has lots of answers. By listening to what people are saying or asking, you'll always have fresh ideas for your next blog posts. 

3: The key is to be where people are sharing their thoughts online. Trust me, popular blogs are the perfect places for that.

Tags: #bloggertopics #newblogtopics #7blogtopics #topicsblog #blogger #newtopics

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