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Removing Footer Credit of Premium Blogger Templates

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Removing Footer Credit of Premium Blogger Templates                  If you're just starting out as a blogger and want to use fancy blogger templates without giving credit to the footer, then this post is perfect for you!. In this article, I will share with you the easiest trick to remove footer credit on the Blogger theme. 

Want to buy some blogger templates? Hey, have you seen Templateify, Template yard, and Gotaboya templates? They have cool options that range from $5 to about $60.

They also provide some free versions of templates that come with a footer credit. They also put some unused javascript which eventually slows down the website loading time. They also provide some premium support along with.

New bloggers like me who are starting their blog on Blogger instead of WordPress and looking for free premium templates.

 I know some codes that can help you bypass the premium theme coding and allow you to use your footer credit on your blogger theme.

 Have you heard about those blogger templates with a non-removable credit link? If you try to remove it, your blog will just redirect you back to the original website!

It's annoying when theme developers include javascript to protect their theme from piracy. However, if you leave the footer credit, your website will function properly.

What's up, everyone? I'm here to help you out with some cool tricks to stop websites from redirecting you when you remove the footer credit.

Want to change the footer credit of your blogger template? Well, you're in luck! You can do it in just 3 minutes without having to visit any other website.

Before you start doing anything, remember to make a copy of your Blogger theme. This way, if you mess up, you can go back to the original by uploading the backup file.

Steps to remove footer credit In Blogger:

1): First, you need to go to the blogger dashboard. Then, click on the themes option. After that, select Edit HTML.

2): When you press CTRL+F and type "designed by" or "crafted by" in the search box, you'll find this code in the footer area, similar to what's shown in the screenshot.

3): Paste the code right under the first div tag.

4): Visit our cool website at!

5): Add a brand new </div> tag right here in the code.

Hey there! The footer credit on your blogger template has been altered. If you happen to face any redirection issues after making this change, don't worry! Just follow these steps. However, if everything is running smoothly, you can skip this step.

Go to the HTML section and find the code provided below. Remove the code, but make sure to save your theme before making any changes. If something goes haywire, you can easily go back to the original state.

Video Guide:

 By following the steps, you can get rid of the footer credit on cool blogger templates without having to worry about redirection troubles.

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